Resources for Students

Thanks for checking out our resources for students. We look forward to connecting with you!

What We Do

Accessibility Resources is the designated office at Colorado College that maintains disability-related documents and determines reasonable accommodations and services for students with disabilities.

We work with students with a variety of disabilities, including learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, psychological disorders, chronic health conditions, allergies, physical disabilities, brain injuries, neurological disorders, and sensory disabilities related to vision and hearing. We also support students with temporary medical conditions, such as concussions and other injuries. Additionally, we consult with students who question whether they might have a disability, as well as those who are referred by a faculty or staff member.

Whether you are a new student at Colorado College or a current student just now checking out our resources, we would be happy to talk with you about the services we offer or disabilities and access in general.

What We Offer

Our staff members work with students on an individual basis to plan support services, including reasonable accommodations that facilitate access to learning, 生活, and other experiences at CC. Some of the accommodations used by students include: extended time on exams, a distraction-reduced exam setting, use of a computer with word processing for exams, accessible formats of text, note-taking assistance, and accessible campus housing. We also provide academic counseling, including assistance with time management and organizational skills—and we offer a variety of assistive technology options to enhance students' academic experiences.

Registering with Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Resources is ready to help you make the most of your CC experience, but you must initiate the process. Please start by contacting our office to set up a time to talk with a staff member about your request for support services. Additionally, please complete the Request for Accommodations and Services online form and provide documentation of disability, if applicable. The Request for Accommodation and Services form can be accessed on our Registering for Services 页面.

We are here to help you at any point, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need assistance.

We look forward to hearing from you!




Report an issue - Last updated: 12/06/2021

Location & 小时

Accessibility Resources
Armstrong Hall, Room 219

Office 小时
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Mailing Address
Accessibility Resources
14 E. Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903